Learn to wholesale Real Estate from the original wholesaling mentor
Get in.
Being successful in real estate starts with finding the right property. It’s all about ‘getting in’ on the right deal. Learn how to take massive action, select profitable targets, and land your first deal. Don’t wait for deals to come find you! Learn how to find properties and get them under contact without even having to set foot inside of them.
Get out.
Once you have your first contract in place, the clock starts. Learn how to build your network of real estate investors to whom you can flip your deals. Success in wholesaling is not just about getting a property under contract, it’s about understanding how to get out of the deal. Learn the techniques to build out your investor list.
Get paid.
A lot can happen before you ever reach the closing table. This is where having a mentor in your corner can help get you across the finish line. Todd’s unparalleled approach to real estate investing will have you prepped with all the insider information needed to get you paid. As we say, “the checks don’t lie.”
Listen up.
Looking hear more about getting started in wholesaling? Todd Dotson recently appeared as a guest on the Passive Income Real Estate Podcast with Marco Santarelli owner of Norada Real Estate Investments. This sixty-minute podcast is full of ideas to get your your wholesaling journey started. Grab a pen and a notepad you are gonna want to take notes.
the checks don’t Lie
It all begins with taking your first step. Success in real estate investing isn’t hard if you have the right tactics. Over the last 25 years, Todd Dotson and his team have helped over a hundred thousand people drop into the competitive real estate landscapes and find deals. Let his experience jump start your journey into financial freedom though tactical real estate investing.
100,000 Students
400(+) Active Markets
100 Million(+) Student Profit