LEarn the tactics that
Make it stand out
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Make it stand out
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
About me
Since 1996, I've mentored the Nation working shoulder to shoulder with tens of thousands of real estate investors in literally every market (including yours)
As the developer of the first boots on the ground mentoring program and the original wholesaling mentor, I've had the opportunity to hits the streets, work in the trenches and personally mentor investors from every walk of life.
And through it all, I've discovered the subtle nuances and (must know tactics) that make ALL the difference between real estate success and often... devastating failure!
What resulted was the first nationwide blueprint for dropping into any market (regardless of price or competition)... and within HOURS conducting property operations resulting in student paydays and my trademarked slogan, The Checks Don't Lie™
After 25+ years of innovating IN THE TRENCHES...
I've decided to partner with some of my peers in the real estate education arena and
some of my super successful students who have launched their own education companies.
I'm taking everything I learned - and continue to learn - as the FIRST (boots on the ground mentor) and bringing it
to a new generation of real estate investors...
and some of those investors I missed the last time around.
And I Want YOU To Join Me.
The results Speak for themselves
Houston Mentoring Day 1 Flip
Jacksonville Mentoring Flip May 2022
Las Vegas Mentoring Flip
Make it stand out
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Day 1
Day 2
Market Identification
What should we know about this product? How is it made, how much does it cost, what color and size is it? Better descriptions result in more sales.
The tactical step-by-step process for launching from scratch... FAST... even if you don't know where to start or you're on a tight budget.
How to create a year's worth of deal flow in less than a week!!! This is NOT about you being stuck on the finding deals treadmill. This is about you plugging into my system and using my tactics that incorporate massive amounts of leverage to free up time (while providing a TON of deal doing opportunity)
Why you don't need to be in constant "learning mode" trying to use every real estate strategy under the sun... and why it's actually more effective to use ONE primary deal getting strategy (that also serves as a filter) automatically feeding secondary strategies. This is one of those counterintuitive points that goes against what other gurus are saying in the market. Their way is a one-way ticket to overwhelm... burnout... and often times failure.
The paint by numbers success path . . . which, regardless of your market or experience will provide tremendous clarity and momentum (and that's one of the reasons my student's are successful). I'll walk shoulder to shoulder with you through the path as we are out in the field and hitting the streets in real time.
The four types of "hidden housing" that exist outside the sphere of traditional inventory and how to choose the one that's best for you and your market.
The six inventory creation models for find and flip and find and flow (which is totally different from what's being taught). Not every model is right for every market. That's why I'11 walk you through selecting the one that will be the best fit for you and your real estate investing goals.
Cash buyer extraction secrets for building a hyper active list of end buyers and (how to avoid daisy chains and co-wholesale buyers) The tactics to find cash buyers for specific properties (even if you don't own the property or have it under contract) I'll share multiple case studies of my students using my tactics to find buyers along with copies of my student's checks from the deals.
Sweat equity buyers... and the tactics to finding them in every market - and why this is critical to your success - and specifically the NEW trends that highlight which buyers will produce the highest ROI in your market and for your deals.
My patented method for finding buyers with big down payments (who were turned down for traditional financing) and need owner financing to buy a home (that you happen to have with my help)
The ultimate lead source (not available to general public) for finding these unfiled foreclosures and problem owners... and how to contact and buy these properties without credit or qualifying for the mortgage... all while helping these owners and making good money in the process.
The ultimate lead source (not available to general public) for finding "turned down buyers" who have a big downpayment (can make the payments) but couldn't qualify for bank financing... and how to position yourself to connect the problem owner (who has a mortgage a can no longer afford it) with the turned down buyer who can afford it but they can't qualify. No one teaches my OPM method and it's the next Big thing in real estate investing!
The easy 3-part process for connecting the owner's mortgage with the buyer's purchase and... (my simple documents) that transfer the mortgage (without the bank caring or calling the loan due) while protecting your position and payday. Welcome to Flipping OPM!
4 Modules For Success
Bonus #1
My Deal Source List Platform is worth the price of admission by itself. You’ll get Nationwide access to all the "Vacant" properties (I've already found the deals for you) access to all the "Cash Buyers" (I've already found the buyers for you) and access to all the "Private Lenders" (I've already found the money for you). Friends, I'm talking about access to these list for every city in the USA!
You also get Nationwide List access to my "Unfiled Foreclosures" (I've already found the sellers for you) and access to my "Turned Down Buyers" who need financed homes that are move in ready (I've already found the buyers for you) and yes it's for every city in the USA! In fact, there are SO many mentoring students in our community that have covered their investment in ‘The Get. In Get Out. Get Paid.’ Boots On The Ground Mentoring with just THIS bonus.
And Get These Incredible Bonuses
Bonus #2
Grab & Go Contracts $1,497
A confused mind always says no and that’s especially the case when dealing with distressed sellers. My vault, of time tested contracts, puts the seller's mind at ease. Their simplicity automatically overcomes any objections, so YOU don't have to.
You get all my contracts for buying and selling (every State included) so you are fully equipped to do deals right away! Save yourself time, money, and the frustration of lost deals with my contracts super pack!
You do have options, but only one makes sense
If you think about all the other ways you can learn about real estate investing... from expensive seminar training packages... to home study courses & online learning... even expensive software & websites... or endlessly consuming free information on webinars, online forums and youtube videos... or the school of hard-knocks trying to figure everything out on your own (which can cost you more than all of these things combined) leaving you frustrated & often broke...)
I mean, you can do these things if you want to, but I am pretty sure that none of them come with the my proven track record!
My 3 Step Success Path
Recover your mentoring cost (your 1st deal)
Replace the income from your job (monthly deals)
Retire Quickly (my 51 formula > flip 5 keep 1)
If you are like most of my students you've been to share of real estate seminars and trainings... Right now the national seminar companies with their TV personalities... infomercials... telemarketers... and social media marketing send an army of speakers conducting free previews that ultimately lead to real estate investor training packages that begin at 10K and... (that doesn't include personalized in the streets training) and those packages go upwards of 50K... Some of you reading this have spent that kind of money and still can't connect the dots... still haven't done deals... and you're about ready to throw in the towel... Let me be a friend to you and say, "it's probably not you... it's probably the smorgasbord of incongruent training you've purposely been force fed so you subconsciously feel like you got a ton of value... (I mean look at all the stuff you got... all the trainings... online education centers... and lets not forget those phone coaching sessions manned by college kids with headsets) Blah...
Blah... Blah... ENOUGH.
LISTEN! I believe people are smart if you just teach them... show them... (in real time) and for real... and you know what? My students results speak for themselves as does my trademarked slogan, The Checks Don't Lie™
In fact, when I did my cover story with Mentors magazine years ago the publisher was quoted as saying, "Todd has more success from his student's deals than any other guru... and it's been said - more than all of them combined!"
My reputation has been built street by street... city by city... state by state... student by student... and check by check... (it's the reason I have been in this industry since 1990 and my mentoring program has run "uninterrupted" since 1997) and it's the reason that, with very little promotion, I continue to have a steady stream of clients.
I'm not the "real estate Jesus" but I am the real estate Moses! And I can quickly lead you from wandering in the wilderness... directly to the Promised Land... and it won't take 40 years of wandering... It's A Weekends Journey
Enroll Now
$7,497 USD
"You're Fully Covered Deal Commitment"
Attend The Boots On The Ground Mentoring 100% Risk Free
and my team and I will work with you until you've done your first deal... recovered your mentoring cost in cash or equity... and continue supporting you long after...(Your First Deal)
All I ask is you send me some copies of your checks and wires so I can share those with future students reading this just like you are now!